Wednesday, September 12, 2012

racket | intimidation | monopole de l'eau | appauvrir les peuples | nestlé | vidéo reportage | à ne pas manquer | les pauvres n'auront même pas l'argent pour acheter une goutte d'eau. Nestlé aura le monopole de l'eau dans le monde. Comment transformer de l'eau en or ? Une entreprise détient la recette : Nestlé, multinationale basée en Suisse, leader mondial de l'agroalimentaire, grâce notamment au commerce de l'eau en bouteille, dont elle possède plus de 70 marques partout dans le monde (Perrier, San Pellegrino, Vittel ou Poland Spring aux États-Unis). Pour le président du CA, Peter Brabeck, l'eau, fer de lance d'une stratégie planétaire, peut "garantir encore cent quarante ans de vie" à l'entreprise. Malgré le refus de collaborer opposé par la direction, Res Gehriger et Urs Schnell dévoilent les coulisses de ce marché qui brasse des milliards. Des États-Unis au Nigeria en passant par le Pakistan, ils explorent les circuits de l'eau en bouteille, mettant en lumière les méthodes parfois expéditives du plus puissant groupe agroalimentaire de la planète. Ils montrent qu'elles reposent sur une question cruciale, objet dans nombre de pays d'un vide juridique dont les avocats et lobbyistes de la firme savent tirer profit : à qui appartient l'eau ?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is finally acknowledging what environmentalists have long known: greenhouse gases in the atmosphere contribute to air pollution which in turn poses a health threat. Last Friday, the EPA issued a finding that identified six greenhouse gases in the atmosphere “endanger the public health and welfare of current and future generations.”

The six GHGs are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulfur hexafluoride. In 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court ordered the EPA to conduct a thorough review of greenhouse gases pollution and air pollution.

The finding is now in the public comment stage, which is part of EPA’s deliberative process. Two public hearings will be held, the first one in Arlington, Virginia on May 18, 2009, and the other in Seattle, Washington on May 21, 2009. The public can register to speak at the hearings. The EPA is also accepting written comments about the finding.

The finding acknowledged that the high concentrations of GHGs in the atmosphere is the “unambiguous result of human emissions.” The finding also listed ten effects of climate change that are currently being observed and are projected to occur in the future:

* The increased likelihood of more frequent and intense heat waves
* More wildfires
* Degraded air quality
* More heavy downpours and flooding
* Increased drought
* Greater sea level rise
* More intense storms
* Harm to water resources
* Harm to agriculture
* Harm to wildlife and ecosystems

EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson said, “This finding confirms that greenhouse gas pollution is a serious problem now and for future generations. Fortunately, it follows President Obama’s call for a low carbon economy and strong leadership in Congress on clean energy and climate legislation.”

Gregg Alexander - You Get What You Give - Greenpeace




Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mark Allin, Tim Clapham - Positive Planet : Friends of the earth

Today's Weather

354,122 view
Kalamazoo animation festival international cartoon challenge entry from Pratt Institute 2007 Winner of People's Choice. Made in 4 days by 5 people in competition with animation teams from other colleges. The theme for the 2007 cartoon challenge was global warming.

Global Warming

Global Warming Causes Rising Sea-Levels In New York

Animation shows flooding that would occur as the result of the storm surge from a Category II hurricane, combined with a projected sea level rise of 2.2 feet (0.7 meters) anticipated over the coming century.

Elsa Green - Global Warning

oil spill

Global warming

Global Warming

New thinking on climate change

Save your Planet - WWF Brazil Promo

Derrick's group - Sea Pollution

Climate change


John Cooney - Global Warming - Award Winning Animation

Award: Winner in the 5th Annual Media That Matters Film Festival
In this fast-paced animation, youth producer John Cooney shows us that a little effort can go a long way in reversing global warming.